I just have relized that I havent updated my Adventskalender goodies anymore........its about time to catch up with the goodies from my precious best friend
Another cute tin - no, not peppermints this time.....
Nicole is tricky ;-) - she replaced the peppermints with very cute gingerbread man buttons
here is a nostalgic looking tin with wintergreen gum (I really love those tins from Cracker Barrel)
and yesterday..... great butterfly pins (cant never have enough of this kind of pins)
I took some out - to take a closer picture - but sorry that it looks like I just have thrown them there... well I did.....I had to be real fast....
because of this little rat
Moritz decided to become a lover of butterfly pins too - lol!
Thanks Nicole *HUGS* - I feel like I´m getting spoiled like a little kid.