Freitag, 27. Februar 2009

Kaum Zeit zum nähen

Diese Woche hatte ich wieder so verplant, dass eigentlich nicht viel bzw. keine Zeit zum nähen war/ist. Montag war ich kurz in der Nähstubb, aber da hab ich Buchstaben aufgezeichnet und ausgeschnippelt. Dienstag hatte ich Ehemalige-Treffen der Brauereiler, Mittwoch Treffen der Schüller-Weib..... räusper Damen, Donnerstag war ich nach der Arbeit beim Augenarzt und heute ist Eishockey angesagt. Bin schon ganz kribbelig und drückt den IceTigers bitte alle die Daumen, dass sie Heute und am Sonntag gewinnen.

Leckere FQ-Mail

Ja ihr habt richtig gelesen leckere FQ-Mail hab ich bekommen von Hilde aus Eitelborn. Sie hat mir, damit es mir die Fastenzeit erleichtert, ne Schoki mitgeschickt zu dem tollen FQ. Liebe Hilde vielenvielen Dank für den schönen Stoff - könnte mir den ganz gut in einer Tasche verarbeitet vorstellen - und der Schoki (wow 2 grosse Sachen). Ich hab zwar auch Gutsies mit eingepackt - aber in kleineren Formaten. So hier nun das Bild

Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2009


Heute hab ich wieder einen Umschlag bekommen, der einen FQ beinhaltet.

Its from Dayna and I got such a cute scottie FQ. She also included a lil note with some infos about her - thanks so much to my swap-sister Dayna from WI, USA and here is the pic

Dyeing Fabrics With Rusty Plunder Part II

Here is my second try dyeing fabrics with rust. I used metal chippings to do this - its easy to do but just not my thing. Besides this my Mom mentioned something that I should use a rust-stain-remover to get those stains out. Hello!!!! I did this on purpose this is "art"!!!

I have the rest of the fabric in the rusting-progress - will see what this is going to look like. Looks like I´m not talented in doing this especially when my Mom says that I should use the rust-stain-remover.

Montag, 23. Februar 2009


I finshed cutting and packing up the FQ for the swap. It´s very hard to pick fabric for people you dont know - and always thinking do they like this fabric or maybe rather this one? I decided to pick springfabrics because its already been a long cold winter and I´m ready for some springtime and the springcolors. I hope everyone likes the fabric I choose for the swap.

To all my swap-sister: your FQ are on the way

And wow I´m slow - when I checked my mailbox today, there was already one squishy envelope in there. Its from Rosie - I love the fabric - thanks alot and for the postcard with some nice words from her.

Dyeing fabrics with rusty plunder

Last week quiltbine of the Quiltfriends came up with a thread about dyeing fabrics with rusty scrap. There were some links posted to show what it looks like - Quiltmoose or here Marionsfiberart - I thought wow, what a great idea and since I´m working at a junkyard and have rusty things everywhere I look. - yep, defently this gonna be my weekendproject - räusper please remind me the next time to read the instruction how to....... and not just pick up words........

My plunder I took home from work

I prepared my tray with foil

lay out the fabric on the tray

Lay the rusty old plunder on the fabrics - I think it looks like a kind of art

put some vinegar on and covered it with another layer of fabric and foil

and waited
and waited
and waited
and waited
and yikes!!! the next evening I had this.... - hmmm I think it doesnt look right

Thats what the fabric look like after the stuff got washed out..... well kinda interesseting but defently not what I wanted

Some lighting stroke my mind..... maybe I used to much vinegar..... well not maybe defently for sure.

The next sheet of fabric is laying in my tray for some rusting..........

Freitag, 20. Februar 2009

Happy Birthday Candy Man

Today is Candy Mans Birthday - unbelievable that he is already 16 years. I bought him, when he was 6 month old. We went through bad and good times, had some successful competition-years in english-style dressage (well, was good enough for us), still acting like a rascal, loves bananas and apples, still havent learned that he cant jump over a fence like the other horses - always stumble over the fence and most of the time he gets hurt, opens the ropes when he´s lashed on, loves snow to death - I dont now why but he always freaks out when there is snow on the paddock like a rodeo-horse, loved my Dad because he has always a goodie in his pockets. Hopefully we have some more years together where Candy can drive me nuts

Candy Man 1 week old

Candy Man with my Dad - remember - my Dad always has treats for him, 1.5 years old

Candy and I, 1999

At the summer-paddock 2005

Candy Man, Jan. 2009

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009

Etwas Frisch draussen

Gestern Abend kam ich in den Stall - oh man, da hat jemand nichts gedacht (hatte wohl brain-freeze) - Türen alle auf, Stall komplett leer....... was war das Ende vom Lied - die Wassertränken waren eingefroren. Erst alle Pferde reingeholt, sämtlichen Türen geschlossen und unseren kleinen Heizer vom Gartenhaus in den Stall gestellt und eingeschalten. Heisses Wasser geholt und in die Tränken gegossen - vielleicht taut dadurch die eine oder andere wieder auf (oft ist auch nur das Ventil zu) - yeahhh nach zigmaligen Laufen und heisses Wasser auffüllen hab ich von 7 Tränken 5 wieder zum laufen gebracht - die anderen 2 wollten einfach nicht. Ist auch nicht so schlimm, bekommen die 2 Pferde halt den Eimer mit Wasser in die Box reingestellt. Die Stalltemperatur war inzwischen von -4 Grad auf +3 Grad gestiegen. Mal sehen wie es heute aussieht - als ich nach dem Aufstehen aufs Thermometer schaute waren es -16,9 C/ 1 F ......... brrrrrr leicht chilly.

Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009

Supposed to be a Birthday-present

Yesterday evening I start working on my Dads Birthday-Bird-Quilt again (my Dad loved to watch birds - he could spent hours with it). It supposed to be my present for his 70th B-Day last December but my Dad died in August 2008 on sepsis after he had a heart valve surgery on April, 1st 2008 and suffering 5 month in ICU. After he died I was thinking alot about what I´m gonna do with the blocks I´ve already made and I decided to finish this quilt. The blocks, the fabrics and pattern were laying around for quite a while I just couldnt work on it - to emotional.

So that´s what I did yesterday - cutting fabrics in uneven strips and sewed them together - the
strip-blocks still need to be trimmed to the size I need. More strips are waiting to be sewn together.

Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009

I´m in!!!

Sew,Mama,Sew! is organizing a international FQ-Swap and I´m a part of it. I cant tell how exited I´m about swapping fabric with people in dont know and hopefully will get to know them. Kristin & Rebecca of Sew,Mama,Sew! send the mail with the infos of the other swappers I´m in a group with. The swapper are from Germany, USA, UK, England - wow this will be fun and I hope I pick fabrics the other swappers will like.


Samstag, 14. Februar 2009


Am Samstag kam doch tatsächlich ein Valentines-Bote vorbei und brachte mir und Candy Man ein Geschenk aus Texas. *winke-winke* Hallo Marianne vielen Dank dafür.

Es kam von Isabell, zwei wunderschöne von ihr selbstgenähte Herzen. Ich hab mich ganz doll darüber gefreut. Vielen lieben Dank du Süsse - ganz toll genäht. Das grosse Herz ist für mich und das kleinere ist für Candy Man. Welches selbstverständlich an die Box gehängt wurde. Für mein Herz suche ich noch einen schönen Ehrenplatz, damit ich es sooft wie möglich sehen kann

Candy wollte auch noch unbedingt was los werden ;-)


I wish you all a HAPPY VALENTINE with lots of love

crafty-mässig wurde nichts gemacht

Also was das Nähen angeht, da habe ich seit Mittwoch oder so.... nicht mehr viel gemacht - eigentlich gar nichts. Das einzige, wo ich Stoffe in der Hand hatte, war das Zuschneiden der Stoffe für den Geburtstags-Stoff-Swap - aber das war auch wirklich alles. Heute hatte ich mir vorgenommen etwas Zeit in der Nähstubb zu verbringen, aber jetzt sitz ich hier am PC und stelle neue Posts ein. So hier noch ein Bild von den Stoffen für den Swap

Sorry ich musste das Bild zensieren, da ja vielleicht doch der eine oder andere Quiltfriend hier vorbeischaut, die evtl. bei dem Swap teilnehmen und so die Überraschung weg wäre. *zwinker*

Walk in the snow

Oh what a surprise it snowed again overnight - my new exercise programm in the morning shoveling snow and its totally free - and if you cant get enough go ahead and clean up the sidewalks in the neighbourhood.

When I got to the stable I decided to go for a walk with our old, doing better Eboli - as soon as I got her halter on, our dog Jacky decided to come too. So we went for a 45 min walk through the snow - here are some pics.

I guess you can tell that Eboli is still recovering from her udder-infection she is still on medication and looks tired. She is 24 years old and I think it takes her time until she 100 % healthy again. BTW Eboli is Candy Mans Mom

And some more we saw - weired looking trees or just icicles

Candy Man and his buddies were outside at the paddock the whole day

Freitag, 13. Februar 2009

Snow, snow and more snow

I´m shoveling snow since tuesday - every morning when I got up and looked out of the window - yikes - it has snown again. Well - go downstairs and start my morning exercise - shoveling snow!! This morning we got close to 5 " of the white stuff and until I got my driveway, sidewalk and the yard-path cleaned - I was almost late for work. So I run upstairs got changed, grabed my bag and left even without a sip of coffee. It´s not that I dont like snow - I actually love to have alot of snow - I just dont like to shovel it every morning... escpecially when its going to melt anyway later on that day

But this time it looks like it will stay for a couple of days.....
P. S. it just started snowing again......

Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2009

Some little sewing

Last night after I was done with the horsis I was looking forward to go upstairs in my sewing room. It´s nothing better when there is a stormy windy weather outside and I´m sitting right underneath the roof and I can listen to the wind howling around the roofs-corner. So I was in my sewing room with a cup of yummie creamy cappuccino and a furball. It´s amazing how cats can change because when my Dad was still alive Bizkit never-ever came into my sewing room to spend some time with me. Know he cant wait until we get up there - Bizkit already got his own chair - since he always was sitting on mine as soon as I got off the chair. I was sipping on my cappuccino and when Bizkit decided to sit on my lap - great.... no sewing. But he is the kind of cat which dont to be touched alot - so I kept fondle (is this the right word??) him and he left after 15 minutes. Yeah lucky me - I have two baby-flannel-quilts-ufos laying around - so I started to sew on the binding on one of them the backside of the binding will be hand-sewn the next couple of days.

I dont have a use for this quilt and I think I will donate it to a charity bazaar or something like that.

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009

Last night in my home office

Last night when I was working in my home office - I heard some wired dripping noises from the window sill. I got off the chair to see if it is raining and ohhh nooooooo......

that´s what I saw - snow...... again

Well - so I knew what I´m going to do in the morning - get up early to go outside and shovel some snow. It was heavy wet snow and underneath it was very slippery - so watch out where you walk or drive.

Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

Horsi is doing better

After a second veterinarian-call yesterday and a couple more shots and more medicine Eboli is doing way better know. Fever ist down again but its hard to cool down her swollen leg when its freezing outside - the water tube doesnt work and where ever you spill water you get icy aeras. Well now I´m using 2 of those cooling-gel-thingy and bandage this around her leg + I ordered Eboli a new water- and windproof, breathable blanket, so she can be outside even if the weather is not so good and still be warm.

Mittwoch, 4. Februar 2009

My Birthday-blocks I received 2008

Last night I took my birthday-blocks 2008 out of the box and start playing around with them. I need to get a idea how I will put them together - blame me that those beautys are kept in a box. I thought I would put the big block on point in the middle - but what about the rest??? Well I will sneak around them a couple more days and think about.........

Stars for Lina Sophie

This is part two what I did on my monday sewing - I finished the blocks for Lina Sophie. Gabi from the quiltfriends sent me two pics of Lina Sophie and Lina Sophie and her Mom - those are such beautiful pics of this little precious and lovely girl. Gabi is going to make a quilt out of the blocks she will or already has receive from the other quiltfriends-members. This will be a precious-moment-memory-quilt for Lina Sophies Mom.

Finally some sewing on Monday

On monday I had a day off because my Moms chemo-treatment. After 4 h at the doc place watching and listening to Mom sleeping and snoring (never slept this well during her treatment) - we finally got home. Cooked some lunch, ate and Mom went right away to bed and I went right away into my sewing-room.

I made two more blocks for the birthday-block-swap and for the last block of this swap I have to wait for my fabric-delivery. Didnt have unbleached muslin at home - and of course ordered some more fabrics so s/h is worth it - hehehe. So here they are.....

The gal who receives the log-cabin wanted civil-war fabrics. Well I never was really interesseted in those fabrics and I ordered a medley of it - they are cute and thats what I made out of them

This is my first Sue I ever made - I think it came out quite cute. I was thinking about how I will applique the Sue, needle-turn, zig-zag or the other I-dont-know-the-name-stitch. Since I´m a totally greenhorn in needle-turn I thought zig-zag would be the best choice for me. But I have to complain about one thing - why does a iron always make stains on white fabric??? It never does it on yellow or other light-colored fabric - always on whites. Now I have to see how I get the stain off.

Dienstag, 3. Februar 2009

Ja was krabbelt denn da??

Am Wochenende bin ich wieder schwerbewaffnet mit meiner Kamera durchs Haus gezogen um passende Opfer zu finden. Wen hat es erwischt - Bizkit - manchmal hab ich das Gefühl ihm gefällt es geknipst zu werden. Linst immer schön in die Kamera bis was anderes seine Aufmerksamkeit in Anspruch nahm

Neugierigerweise musste ich auch sehen, was mein Kater so entzückt anstarrt, dass er gar nicht mehr reagiert - also schwenkte ich meinen Foto Richtung Zielobjekt

Yikes!!!! Wo kommt die denn her!!!!! Aber wofür hat man schliesslich einen vierbeinigen Kammerjäger - voll vertrauen lies ich Bizkit walten..... und was macht diese vertrottelte Katze??? Spielt mit der Spinne fangen und sitzen jetzt beide in meinem Schlafzimmer und spielen wo möglich noch hide and seek - seh schon, da muss ich jetzt handeln - nicht das Bizkit sie zum Schlafen auch noch ins Bett einlädt....... da hätte ich was dagegen............

Sewing plans for Friday got changed by a sick horse

The whole week I was looking forward to spend my Friday evening in my sewing room. Well plans got changed by a sick horse. One of our horses named Eboli in the stable didnt eat anymore, acting like she is getting a colic - gave her medicine....... no reaction after 30 min. Tried to go for a walk with this horse - couldnt even get her out of the box, measured the temperature - yep it was about time to call the veterinarian. I thought it took forever until the veterinarian showed up but it was only 45 min. The diagnose is a udder-infection - she got some penecilin-shots, fever-reducer and something powder to mix under her food for the swollen udder. I was waiting in the stable until the medicine start working and it was 9.45 pm when I got home - no mood for sewing anymore.