Montag, 21. September 2009

My Dad´s Bird-Quilt Is Done

July 2008 I have started with this quilt - it supposed to be my Dads birthday present in December 2008. He loves birds and was spending hours to watch the birds at the bird feeder, listening to their chirping aso.

August 25th, 2008 my Dad has died after a 5 month hospital stay. I thought about what am I going to do with this started quilt and I have decided to finish it. In January 2009 I start working on this quilt again and sometimes it was a bit emotional for me. The last stitch was made last Wednesday, the size is 63" x 94 "- I´m sure my Dad would´ve love this quilt and I´m sure that his eyes would´ve been watery also.

(Somehow I can´t get a good picture of this quilt)

That´s how I fixed my snip in at the backing fabric. Carla came up with the idea to use fabric glue (thanks for the tip) and actually put a label on it - I used a patch of the backing fabric

and I still had the guts to enter this contest - it was good that I havent seen all the beautiful quilts of the contestants before - I would´ve chicken out

Natures Best Quilt Contest

2 Kommentare:

Anonym hat gesagt…

wow,super schöner Quilt....und dann noch die Vogelblöckchen drin verarbeitet.......gefällt mir wahnsinnig gut!!!!!!!

Karin hat gesagt…

Vielen Dank -Patchlissi!